Thursday, July 13, 2006

Not much

Well, not much is happening today. It is VERY rainy... it has been raining since last night and is sort of depressing. Pretty much everyone is just watching and waiting to see if we will get a school cancellation courtesy of Typhoon Bilis. Regardless, we will likely have rain through the entire weekend. Blah.

We Texans are all very tired from all this teaching. My teaching chops aren't what they used to be; it is like starting a new school year after having a VERY long summer off. Six hours a day is killing me softly... I'm trying to to think about doing it 5 days in a row next week. This has only been 3 and we were all dragging today!

I did fall on my butt in front of all sorts of folks this morning in the rain. I had just eaten breakfast over on the campus of the National Taiwan University (across the street from NTUST- check out Google Earth and you can see the compound that I loosely call home for the present). So, I was all geared up with my backpack on, my rain poncho over the backpack (after toting that clear poncho of yours all over the world for the past 3 or 4 years, Mom, it is finally getting some use!), my umbrella in my right hand, and my Nalgene bottle in my left hand. I was wearing my Teva sandals because my foot has been sore from walking too much too quickly in shoes not designed for that purpose. As you may know, the Tevas are great, but can get quite slickery. It happened so quickly-- I stepped up from the street onto a bricked sidewalk, my right foot slid out from underneath me, and before I knew what happened I was on my butt in a big puddle. My Nalgene bottle literally flew across the street (good thing it's unbreakable!) and my umbrella turned itself inside-out. Yeah, it was quite impressive.

I picked myself up as quickly as I could. Anything not covered by the poncho (aka my dark brown pants) was soaked to the skin. Other than that, and a slightly more hurty foot, it was mostly just a case of injured pride.

Right now I'm holed up in the International Office, where I'm awaiting the arrival of my Domino's Pizza delivery in my jeans and Texas Tech t-shirt. So cozy. However, as soon as it gets here, I'll have to trek back over to the flat [it's actually faculty housing we're staying in- 3 bed/2 bath apartments. My roommate, Anita, is from Canada. Since we have an extra room, she snagged the extra pillow the first night, and I grabbed the duvet the 2nd] with pizza in hand. I am sans Tevas now, back to the new travelling Clarks, so I should hopefully have a little more traction. The pizza's here now. I'm soooooooo happy!! Gotta go!


At 5:32 AM, Blogger Sars said...

Mitsi, sorry about your fall. I know it was embarrassing, but I know you handled it with true Mitsi-esque grace. Just thought I'd let you know I am reading your blog faithfully even though I am supposed to be doing other productive-type things like raising a child, etc. I have full confidence that your teaching stamina will come back quickly, just think you could be here in the 3-digit heat getting ready to teach 7th graders. Ewww.

Sorry for the long comment, just wnated you to know we (meaning me) miss you.

At 8:31 AM, Blogger mitsi said...

Thanks, honey! After re-reading it, that last post seems more like an ad for outdoorsy and travel-like products available for purchase in the US. :)

And, actually, it is sort of 3 digit heat, with 3 digit humidity... the fabulous difference is that my students are pretty much through their awkward hormonal stages.

Miss you too!

At 10:55 PM, Blogger awl said...

I knew if they made beer there, you'd find it... and it didn't take long for you to find Dominos's Pizza either. All this world traveling does give one important survival skills.


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